Hii guys sry sry………..I am really very sry………..I don’t know wat happened to my internet that it was not at all working from the morning so sry for the late update guys I am really sry………

……….so without any further bhak bhak………

……….let’s get into the story so till now v saw………
Ishu says okay to Arshi’s love…………Raman and Abhi leave US……….Arnav tells about Khushi to Ishu and Pragya………..both Ishu and Pragya regret thinking about the past………..Raman and Abhi reach Ruhi hospital……….
So now……..
Raman and Abhi reach the OT and see Raghav standing out
Abhi:Raghav if ur here then who is there with Khushi……..
Before Raghav could answer back both of them run inside to see Khushi………
When they see her in that state both become very sad and run to her……..
Raman:Khushi princess I told u not to come to India see wat as happened with u…………is this the way u scare ur bro……….
Khushi is about to answer him when Abhi speaks up
Abhi:Wat was the need for u to fight those ppl, u know very well about bad guys right, do u think urself to be Jackie Chan’s sister………..
Khushi:Bhai, main hoon naa Jackie Chan ki behen(Bro, I am Jackie Chan’s sister only)………u two r my super hero’s……….
With that Raman and Abhi laugh seeing her………
Khushi:Now wat was the need for u both to come here………..buddy is enough to take care of me……..
Abhi:Yaa v saw, he was standing outside and was dng sight seeing………..useless fellow……….
Khushi:Bhai don’t scold him, he was just standing out waiting for u two………..and I was here with my friend……….
With that Raman and Abhi see Naina standing there……..
Naina:Hello sir, myself Naina Batra……….Khushi’s friend meet at the mall……….
Raman: Hi Naina nice meeting u………..thx for taking care of my princess……….
Naina:No worries sir, I also did my work only…………
Raman and Abhi don’t understand………..Khushi says no to her………
Naina:The thing is sir, I, Khushi and Raghav were in the mall………the bad guys actually placed a knife on my neck……….so while saving me all this happened to ur sister………..
Raman and Abhi see each other and smile at her……….
Naina:I really sorry sir, it all happened because of me………..if not ur princess would have been happily sleeping or talking with u all………
Abhi goes to Naina and side hugs her……….
Abhi:Hey Naina, don’t cry………ur Khushi’s friend so ur also like a sister to us………..and I am very proud that my Khushi darling did such a big step in saving u………
Raman:Dont wry Naina, v r not at all angry with u………..Khushi as now become a big girl hasn’t she Abhi………!!!!!!
Abhi:She sure as man………she sure as………..!!!!!!
With that Khushi smiles………and Naina also smiles………
Abhi:Raghav stupid come inside dumbo…………(scream)
Outside at the door Raghav is standing and listening to their convo
Raghav(to himself):Bhagavanji mujhe pls bachayiye………..bhai gussa hain……..pathaa nahi mera kya hoga ander……..agar bhai ne mujhe baksh di to main aapke mandhir aakar prashadh chadaa unga………(God pls help me………bro is angry………don’t know wat ll happen to me inside………if bro spares me then I ll come to ur temple and ll give u prashadh……….)
Raman:Raghav wat r u speaking with ur bhagavanji come here man……….!!!!!!
With that Raghav comes inside……..
Raghav:Yes bhai tell me……….see I didn’t do anything, I was fighting with some other bad guy and another one from the back came and did all this………
Abhi:V didn’t ask u any explanation Mr.Raghav Mehra……….
Raman:Tell me did u file a complaint against those guys r not
Raghav:That that………..all this while I totally forgot about it………..Khushi was in hospital so nothing came to my mind sry Bhai
Abhi:Its okay now leave the rest to us………..
Raman:So Naina its getting late, come I ll drop u to ur house
Naina:No sir, I promised that I ll stay with Khushi and ll help her
Abhi:Promise, wat promises……..whom did u promise……..!!!
Naina:Vo Vo…….haan I promised myself that I ll be with her………and don’t wry I have informed my mom about this so no worries sir
Raman:But Naina, how can u stay in this hospital………!!!!
Naina:No worries sir, this is the hospital where I work……….!!!!!
Abhi:I didn’t get u……..????
Naina:Ho sry, I work as the secretary for Ruhi industries owner and this hospital is also their’s only……….so I have no problem………
Raman:Ruhi industries……….the one which as organised the offer for the Restaurant deal………..!!!!
Naina:Yes sir, but how do known that, only some companies have been invited for the deal………
Raghav:Grt cause v r one among them………..I and Khushi came to India for that deal only………..!!!!
Khushi nods in yes………
Abhi:Then okay, Raghav and Raman u go and take rest I ll take care of Khushi………
Raman:No Abhi u take rest, I ll take care of her………!!!!!
Naina:Aap theeno jaayiye main yaha Khushi ka kayal rakungi………(U three go I ll take care of Khushi………)
Raghav:Yes Bhai, now only u two reached come to the hotel……….freshen urself up and the next whole day u two can be here with buddy………!!!!
With that all the three leave to their restaurant………
At the hotel………
Abhi:RKB……….I think v have some other work tmrw……….!!!!
Raman:I know wat ur thinking, and I am always with u in this………
With that both of them give wicked smile……….
At Raizadha House………..
At one room………..Ishu and Pragya have looked themselves in that room………
Ishu:Pragya listen, v need to sit and solve this matter
Pragya:No Ishu, did u forget wat all happened with the both of us
Ishu:No Pragya but think about Arnu, u just now saw how much love he as for that girl………
Pragya:But if that girl also wants to break his heart just like her Bros then wat ll u do……….ll u just let her do that with Arnu
Ishu:I don’t think Khushi is that kind of a girl, who knows maybe she also doesn’t know the past just like Arnu………!!!
Pragya:If that’s so, then when both of them come to know about it………ll he be able to love her………..
Ishu remains silent………
Pragya:Think Ishu, wat all they did to me, did to u and………..
Ishu looks at Pragya who as just stopped herself in the middle
Pragya:Look Ishu, I know very well………when they come u ll show that ur not affected by their showing up………..and ll be strong……..
Ishu:Do u think that I ll forgive them for Watever they have done
Pragya:I won’t do that, don’t expect me to do that……….
Ishu:I also won’t, but now the issue is about Arnu, is the past so important for us more than Arnu’s happiness……….!!!!!
Pragya remains silent cause she also wants him to be happy
Ishu:V had done all this just for is happiness 10years ago, so that he won’t get affected by this rivalry……….but now……….
Pragya:Ishu just listen to me……….v shall go with Watever God as set up for us………but us should be strong in this u can’t show ur weakness to them………!!!!
Ishu:I don’t have any weakness now Prags, all my weakness is Arnu and Ruhi only……..other than that I am stone hearted person……..
Pragya:Same here……… took a very big change for us before 10years………!!!!
Ishu:Prags if they come to know about Ruhi, ll they take her away from us……….I can’t live without her……….???????
Pragya:I won’t let that happen u don’t wry about that……..Ruhi is our daughter……..!!!!
Ishu cries badly in Pragya arms and both the sisters console each other and sleep off yet not so peacefully with each other……..!!!!
The next day………….
Arnav phones Naina to know about Khushi………
Naina:Yes Arnu, Khushi is absolutely fine, u don’t have to wry about her………I ll be here with her till she gets fully recovered……..
Arnav:Naina is Khushi next to u pls give her the phone………
With that Naina gives Khushi the phone and moves from there
Arnav:Khushi ur alright right……….!!!!!!
Khushi:I am fine Arnav, my Bros have come so u don’t have to wry about me……….Naina stayed overnight………!!!!
Arnav:Wat Naina stayed there……..then I ll talk with dhi about her leave for today………!!!!!
Khushi:Arnav u don’t have to do that, let her do her work………in some time Raghav ll come here so no problem………!!!!
Raghav:Janab ne bandhe ka naam liya aur bandha hazir………..boliye maharani aapko kya chahiye………(Master thought about the slave and the slave is present………..tell me ur highness wat do u want……..)
Arnav:Khushi give the phone to Raghav………..
With that Khushi gives the phone to Raghav and Raghav makes weird expressions listening to his words………!!!!
With that he cuts the call………
Khushi:Wat did Arnav tell u………and where is bhai………!!!!!
Raghav:Romeo told he ll come in five……….both r Bros left the hotel early mrng………..and I think u ll know where would they be…….!!!!
Khushi:I would just prayer for those guys very badly now………..yesterday u two beated them now my two Bros……….!!!!!!
Raghav:Buddy wat if they blabber that there were two men yesterday………..than v both r doomed…….!!!!!
With that both Raghav and Khushi r shocked as to wat ll happen next
At Raizadha house………
Arnav comes running down to find Ruhi, Ishu and Pragya at the breakfast table………
Arnav:Good mrng everyone………!!!!!
Both Ishu and Pragy give him a warm but short smile and continue their work……..!!!!
Ruhi runs to Arnav……….and Ruhi lifts her in his arms
Ruhi:Mamu ur cmg to shopping with us right……….!!!!!
Arnav:Y shopping all of a sudden………????
Ruhi:Aahhhh mamu u forget that tmrw is my bday………!!!!
Arnav:How could I forget that pumpkin……..but I can’t come shopping have some work dr……….!!!
Ruhi:Then u won’t come with us………!!!!
Arnav:Sowieee………but I can’t help it……….but promise I ll be with u after that till ur bday end okay……..!!!!
Ruhi:Its okay mamu……….u finish ur work………!!!!
With that Arnav brings Ruhi to the table to have breakfast
Arnav:Prags dhi………its that Naina won’t come today can u pls considered her leave today for me………
Pragya:Don’t wry Naina called me, she already told me everything……….don’t wry I have no problem………!!!!
Arnav:Thx Prags Dhi……….thank u so much……..!!!!
Pragya:Just tell her that, from the office one person ll come and give her some files which she ll have to go through………!!!!!
Arnav:Okay Prags Dhi, u don’t wry I’ll tell her……….!!!!!
Ishu:R u sure u don’t want to come shopping with us………!!!
Arnav:Sry dhi, but I can’t help it………but y r u two so sad today…….!!!
Both the sisters see each other and signal as to not to tell him
Ishu:Nothing much just work pressure………!!!!!
Arnav:Dhi………now I am back right, u two don’t have to wry about anything…………from tmrw I ll join the company and start to work……… decrease ur load………..!!!
With that both the sisters have tears which they wipe off quickly
Arnav then finishes his breakfast and leave to the hospital
Ruhi, Ishu and Pragya also finish their breakfast and move to the mall for shopping………!!!!!
At the mall……….
Raman and Abhi r searching here and there for the guys who misbehaved with their sister……….but without any photo of them…….
When they hear some ppl talking……….
Boy1:Kal to hum sab un do ladikiyon se to bachch gaye……….par dono kamal ki ladikiyan thi……….manna padega bhai……… (Yesterday v escaped from those girls……..but both the girls were extraordinary…….have to admit it………)
Boy2:Agar main kal uss ladki par chaku nahi raktha to………to aaj to bhai hum sab jail main sadh rahe hote……….(If yesterday I didn’t keep the knife on that girl then………then v would have been in jail right now……….)
Raman and Abhi come behind them and Raman catches hold of the person who stabbed Khushi yesterday………..
Raman:Jail to tu aaj bhi jayega bhai………….meri behen pe chaku raka tha naa…………saale teri to………….main to tumhe aaj nahi chodunga………..(U ll go to jail today also………how dare u keep knife on my sister………..I won’t leave u today………)
And Raman starts to beat that man black and blue……….at that time the other person plans to run from there………..when……….Abhi come infront of him……..
Abhi:Kahan bagh rahe ho bhaisab………..meri behen pe hath utayega………..abbey main teri to chodunga nahi………(Where r u gng mister……… dare u raise ur hand on my sister………I won’t leave u all today……….)
With that he also starts to beat them………
When the police come to stop their fight with those guys
Police:Mr.Bhalla and Mr.Mehra……….u have complained to the police………now leave the rest to us……..v ll take care
Raman:Dekiye Inspector………….mujhe patha nahi aap kya karenge……………par main in sab ko main zindagi bhar jail main sadhthe huye dekna chahetha hoon……….(See Inspector………..I don’t know wat u ll do………but I want to see all of them behind the bars for their life time……….)
Abhi:Aur suniye………iss case main agar humare parivar ka naam aya to main seedhe comissioner ke pas jaunga………aur agar hum dono main se koi in sab ko baahar dikaa to…………aapki ker nahi………… (And listen……….in this case if r families name comes out then I ll go to the commissioner straight………..and if the two of us see any of them outside then……….I won’t spare u……….)
Police:Don’t wry sir………..v were searching for these ppl so………..don’t wry they ll surely get life time imprisonment……….!!!
With that the police drag those guys to their Jeep………..
Raman and Abhi r just standing there………..!!!
Abhi:RKB……..y don’t v go and do some shopping for Khushi to cool down ourselves……….!!!!
Raman:Okay yaar come let’s go and do shopping……….!!!!!
With that they move to a shop to do their shopping……….!!!
Ruhi, Ishu and Pragya also come to the same mall……..
Precap:Surprise Ishra and Abhigya meeting…………so how can I disclose it so easily……… wait for it……….!!!!
The post ADHE ADHOORE (YHM,PMHMD,IPKKND,KKB)-Part 6 appeared first on Telly Updates.
Hii guys sry sry………..I am really very sry………..I don’t know wat happened to my internet that it was not at all working from the morning so sry for the late update guys I am really sry………
Ishu says okay to Arshi’s love…………Raman and Abhi leave US……….Arnav tells about Khushi to Ishu and Pragya………..both Ishu and Pragya regret thinking about the past………..Raman and Abhi reach Ruhi hospital……….
So now……..
Raman and Abhi reach the OT and see Raghav standing out
Abhi:Raghav if ur here then who is there with Khushi……..
Before Raghav could answer back both of them run inside to see Khushi………
When they see her in that state both become very sad and run to her……..
Raman:Khushi princess I told u not to come to India see wat as happened with u…………is this the way u scare ur bro……….
Khushi is about to answer him when Abhi speaks up
Abhi:Wat was the need for u to fight those ppl, u know very well about bad guys right, do u think urself to be Jackie Chan’s sister………..
Khushi:Bhai, main hoon naa Jackie Chan ki behen(Bro, I am Jackie Chan’s sister only)………u two r my super hero’s……….
With that Raman and Abhi laugh seeing her………
Khushi:Now wat was the need for u both to come here………..buddy is enough to take care of me……..
Abhi:Yaa v saw, he was standing outside and was dng sight seeing………..useless fellow……….
Khushi:Bhai don’t scold him, he was just standing out waiting for u two………..and I was here with my friend……….
With that Raman and Abhi see Naina standing there……..
Naina:Hello sir, myself Naina Batra……….Khushi’s friend meet at the mall……….
Raman: Hi Naina nice meeting u………..thx for taking care of my princess……….
Naina:No worries sir, I also did my work only…………
Raman and Abhi don’t understand………..Khushi says no to her………
Naina:The thing is sir, I, Khushi and Raghav were in the mall………the bad guys actually placed a knife on my neck……….so while saving me all this happened to ur sister………..
Raman and Abhi see each other and smile at her……….
Naina:I really sorry sir, it all happened because of me………..if not ur princess would have been happily sleeping or talking with u all………
Abhi goes to Naina and side hugs her……….
Abhi:Hey Naina, don’t cry………ur Khushi’s friend so ur also like a sister to us………..and I am very proud that my Khushi darling did such a big step in saving u………
Raman:Dont wry Naina, v r not at all angry with u………..Khushi as now become a big girl hasn’t she Abhi………!!!!!!
Abhi:She sure as man………she sure as………..!!!!!!
With that Khushi smiles………and Naina also smiles………
Abhi:Raghav stupid come inside dumbo…………(scream)
Outside at the door Raghav is standing and listening to their convo
Raghav(to himself):Bhagavanji mujhe pls bachayiye………..bhai gussa hain……..pathaa nahi mera kya hoga ander……..agar bhai ne mujhe baksh di to main aapke mandhir aakar prashadh chadaa unga………(God pls help me………bro is angry………don’t know wat ll happen to me inside………if bro spares me then I ll come to ur temple and ll give u prashadh……….)
Raman:Raghav wat r u speaking with ur bhagavanji come here man……….!!!!!!
With that Raghav comes inside……..
Raghav:Yes bhai tell me……….see I didn’t do anything, I was fighting with some other bad guy and another one from the back came and did all this………
Abhi:V didn’t ask u any explanation Mr.Raghav Mehra……….
Raman:Tell me did u file a complaint against those guys r not
Raghav:That that………..all this while I totally forgot about it………..Khushi was in hospital so nothing came to my mind sry Bhai
Abhi:Its okay now leave the rest to us………..
Raman:So Naina its getting late, come I ll drop u to ur house
Naina:No sir, I promised that I ll stay with Khushi and ll help her
Abhi:Promise, wat promises……..whom did u promise……..!!!
Naina:Vo Vo…….haan I promised myself that I ll be with her………and don’t wry I have informed my mom about this so no worries sir
Raman:But Naina, how can u stay in this hospital………!!!!
Naina:No worries sir, this is the hospital where I work……….!!!!!
Abhi:I didn’t get u……..????
Naina:Ho sry, I work as the secretary for Ruhi industries owner and this hospital is also their’s only……….so I have no problem………
Raman:Ruhi industries……….the one which as organised the offer for the Restaurant deal………..!!!!
Naina:Yes sir, but how do known that, only some companies have been invited for the deal………
Raghav:Grt cause v r one among them………..I and Khushi came to India for that deal only………..!!!!
Khushi nods in yes………
Abhi:Then okay, Raghav and Raman u go and take rest I ll take care of Khushi………
Raman:No Abhi u take rest, I ll take care of her………!!!!!
Naina:Aap theeno jaayiye main yaha Khushi ka kayal rakungi………(U three go I ll take care of Khushi………)
Raghav:Yes Bhai, now only u two reached come to the hotel……….freshen urself up and the next whole day u two can be here with buddy………!!!!
With that all the three leave to their restaurant………
At the hotel………
Abhi:RKB……….I think v have some other work tmrw……….!!!!
Raman:I know wat ur thinking, and I am always with u in this………
With that both of them give wicked smile……….
At Raizadha House………..
At one room………..Ishu and Pragya have looked themselves in that room………
Ishu:Pragya listen, v need to sit and solve this matter
Pragya:No Ishu, did u forget wat all happened with the both of us
Ishu:No Pragya but think about Arnu, u just now saw how much love he as for that girl………
Pragya:But if that girl also wants to break his heart just like her Bros then wat ll u do……….ll u just let her do that with Arnu
Ishu:I don’t think Khushi is that kind of a girl, who knows maybe she also doesn’t know the past just like Arnu………!!!
Pragya:If that’s so, then when both of them come to know about it………ll he be able to love her………..
Ishu remains silent………
Pragya:Think Ishu, wat all they did to me, did to u and………..
Ishu looks at Pragya who as just stopped herself in the middle
Pragya:Look Ishu, I know very well………when they come u ll show that ur not affected by their showing up………..and ll be strong……..
Ishu:Do u think that I ll forgive them for Watever they have done
Pragya:I won’t do that, don’t expect me to do that……….
Ishu:I also won’t, but now the issue is about Arnu, is the past so important for us more than Arnu’s happiness……….!!!!!
Pragya remains silent cause she also wants him to be happy
Ishu:V had done all this just for is happiness 10years ago, so that he won’t get affected by this rivalry……….but now……….
Pragya:Ishu just listen to me……….v shall go with Watever God as set up for us………but us should be strong in this u can’t show ur weakness to them………!!!!
Ishu:I don’t have any weakness now Prags, all my weakness is Arnu and Ruhi only……..other than that I am stone hearted person……..
Pragya:Same here……… took a very big change for us before 10years………!!!!
Ishu:Prags if they come to know about Ruhi, ll they take her away from us……….I can’t live without her……….???????
Pragya:I won’t let that happen u don’t wry about that……..Ruhi is our daughter……..!!!!
Ishu cries badly in Pragya arms and both the sisters console each other and sleep off yet not so peacefully with each other……..!!!!
The next day………….
Arnav phones Naina to know about Khushi………
Naina:Yes Arnu, Khushi is absolutely fine, u don’t have to wry about her………I ll be here with her till she gets fully recovered……..
Arnav:Naina is Khushi next to u pls give her the phone………
With that Naina gives Khushi the phone and moves from there
Arnav:Khushi ur alright right……….!!!!!!
Khushi:I am fine Arnav, my Bros have come so u don’t have to wry about me……….Naina stayed overnight………!!!!
Arnav:Wat Naina stayed there……..then I ll talk with dhi about her leave for today………!!!!!
Khushi:Arnav u don’t have to do that, let her do her work………in some time Raghav ll come here so no problem………!!!!
Raghav:Janab ne bandhe ka naam liya aur bandha hazir………..boliye maharani aapko kya chahiye………(Master thought about the slave and the slave is present………..tell me ur highness wat do u want……..)
Arnav:Khushi give the phone to Raghav………..
With that Khushi gives the phone to Raghav and Raghav makes weird expressions listening to his words………!!!!
With that he cuts the call………
Khushi:Wat did Arnav tell u………and where is bhai………!!!!!
Raghav:Romeo told he ll come in five……….both r Bros left the hotel early mrng………..and I think u ll know where would they be…….!!!!
Khushi:I would just prayer for those guys very badly now………..yesterday u two beated them now my two Bros……….!!!!!!
Raghav:Buddy wat if they blabber that there were two men yesterday………..than v both r doomed…….!!!!!
With that both Raghav and Khushi r shocked as to wat ll happen next
At Raizadha house………
Arnav comes running down to find Ruhi, Ishu and Pragya at the breakfast table………
Arnav:Good mrng everyone………!!!!!
Both Ishu and Pragy give him a warm but short smile and continue their work……..!!!!
Ruhi runs to Arnav……….and Ruhi lifts her in his arms
Ruhi:Mamu ur cmg to shopping with us right……….!!!!!
Arnav:Y shopping all of a sudden………????
Ruhi:Aahhhh mamu u forget that tmrw is my bday………!!!!
Arnav:How could I forget that pumpkin……..but I can’t come shopping have some work dr……….!!!
Ruhi:Then u won’t come with us………!!!!
Arnav:Sowieee………but I can’t help it……….but promise I ll be with u after that till ur bday end okay……..!!!!
Ruhi:Its okay mamu……….u finish ur work………!!!!
With that Arnav brings Ruhi to the table to have breakfast
Arnav:Prags dhi………its that Naina won’t come today can u pls considered her leave today for me………
Pragya:Don’t wry Naina called me, she already told me everything……….don’t wry I have no problem………!!!!
Arnav:Thx Prags Dhi……….thank u so much……..!!!!
Pragya:Just tell her that, from the office one person ll come and give her some files which she ll have to go through………!!!!!
Arnav:Okay Prags Dhi, u don’t wry I’ll tell her……….!!!!!
Ishu:R u sure u don’t want to come shopping with us………!!!
Arnav:Sry dhi, but I can’t help it………but y r u two so sad today…….!!!
Both the sisters see each other and signal as to not to tell him
Ishu:Nothing much just work pressure………!!!!!
Arnav:Dhi………now I am back right, u two don’t have to wry about anything…………from tmrw I ll join the company and start to work……… decrease ur load………..!!!
With that both the sisters have tears which they wipe off quickly
Arnav then finishes his breakfast and leave to the hospital
Ruhi, Ishu and Pragya also finish their breakfast and move to the mall for shopping………!!!!!
At the mall……….
Raman and Abhi r searching here and there for the guys who misbehaved with their sister……….but without any photo of them…….
When they hear some ppl talking……….
Boy1:Kal to hum sab un do ladikiyon se to bachch gaye……….par dono kamal ki ladikiyan thi……….manna padega bhai……… (Yesterday v escaped from those girls……..but both the girls were extraordinary…….have to admit it………)
Boy2:Agar main kal uss ladki par chaku nahi raktha to………to aaj to bhai hum sab jail main sadh rahe hote……….(If yesterday I didn’t keep the knife on that girl then………then v would have been in jail right now……….)
Raman and Abhi come behind them and Raman catches hold of the person who stabbed Khushi yesterday………..
Raman:Jail to tu aaj bhi jayega bhai………….meri behen pe chaku raka tha naa…………saale teri to………….main to tumhe aaj nahi chodunga………..(U ll go to jail today also………how dare u keep knife on my sister………..I won’t leave u today………)
And Raman starts to beat that man black and blue……….at that time the other person plans to run from there………..when……….Abhi come infront of him……..
Abhi:Kahan bagh rahe ho bhaisab………..meri behen pe hath utayega………..abbey main teri to chodunga nahi………(Where r u gng mister……… dare u raise ur hand on my sister………I won’t leave u all today……….)
With that he also starts to beat them………
When the police come to stop their fight with those guys
Police:Mr.Bhalla and Mr.Mehra……….u have complained to the police………now leave the rest to us……..v ll take care
Raman:Dekiye Inspector………….mujhe patha nahi aap kya karenge……………par main in sab ko main zindagi bhar jail main sadhthe huye dekna chahetha hoon……….(See Inspector………..I don’t know wat u ll do………but I want to see all of them behind the bars for their life time……….)
Abhi:Aur suniye………iss case main agar humare parivar ka naam aya to main seedhe comissioner ke pas jaunga………aur agar hum dono main se koi in sab ko baahar dikaa to…………aapki ker nahi………… (And listen……….in this case if r families name comes out then I ll go to the commissioner straight………..and if the two of us see any of them outside then……….I won’t spare u……….)
Police:Don’t wry sir………..v were searching for these ppl so………..don’t wry they ll surely get life time imprisonment……….!!!
With that the police drag those guys to their Jeep………..
Raman and Abhi r just standing there………..!!!
Abhi:RKB……..y don’t v go and do some shopping for Khushi to cool down ourselves……….!!!!
Raman:Okay yaar come let’s go and do shopping……….!!!!!
With that they move to a shop to do their shopping……….!!!
Ruhi, Ishu and Pragya also come to the same mall……..
Precap:Surprise Ishra and Abhigya meeting…………so how can I disclose it so easily……… wait for it……….!!!!
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