Childhood love come into real (abiya)ff-43

Hi guys this is sowji.thank u for your love..I commented everyone in my previous ff..the ff no. is 43..the ff begin with abi opened his 5th gift is abishek sung all the song…she written her favote line in that gazetteer that words formed gives complete meaning of her love..but one more specific thing in that gazetteer…that sentence formed give the meaning the priya love and she applied the circle in that letter of each sentence A B I Y A..for example (A)dorable a(B)oo ex(I)sts P)riya He(A)rt..–>this word formed gives meaning of priya love..this word joined gives a name ABIYA..likewise guys…all her favorite line in abishek song lyrics written in that gazetteer…this is memorial of abiya love..abishek looks stunned 😍😍😍😍😍😍😘😘😘😘😘😘😨😨😧😦😢😯..he never expected…

she will surprise him these much…she never speak any word that lyrics make emotional to him…he understands how much her doll loves him…he feel proud to get doll in his life…abishek immediately hugged very tightly said I can’t live without you in my life…u all gift impressed me alot…this 5 gift is the most memorial gift in my life…(background plays tum hi ho(tamil),tamil tum hi ho)..abishek said without doll,her aboo will never alive in this eon😢😧😍😘😘😍.suddenly priya closed his mouth said I love you aboo…don’t speak about death..without you I can’t alive in this eon…abishek crushed his lips on her..😍😘😘😘💏💏💏💏💏💏💏💏…long deep liplock…(background plays Zara Zara,vasigara song from minnale).both break the liplock due to lack of oxygen..abishek said I love you doll…priya look at his eyes…she completely lost herself…abishek kissed her all over her face…priya is sitting on abishek lap…abishek held tightly his hand around her waist…she looks shy…she is blushing continuously..abi nuzzled her ear,cheeks,face…priya can’t control herself…(background plays ek deewana tha,omana pennae movie from VTV(tamil))..screenshift mehra mansion khushi
Standing on the balcony looking at stars..she is crying and talking with stars like priya…y god it happened y my mom and dad behaved rudely with priya…she is sobbing continuously…suddenly someone come to touch her shoulders.she looks at behind that is arnav…she said arnav Plze don’t disturb me go away from me…I need a time to overcome this situation…Plze arnav I want to be alone😭😭😭😢😢😢😤😧😦…arnav said hello I come here to get a fresh air..I never come to disturb u😜😝😛😉😋 .khushi looks shocked😨😨asked then y r u touched my shoulders..arnav sarcastically said I thought booth is also here that’s y I touched your i confirmed..khushi look at him angrily if u thought I am look like booth..😬😡😠 arnav said not exactly little bit look like booth…you r choti booth..khushi said 😬😡😡😠😨what😬😬😡😡😡.both are arguing eachother…while a minute back both laughed look at eachother…arnav said whenever u smile in your face u look too beauty😉😊😍😘..khushi said thank u for your complement…I never expected mom and dad was cheated our family…abi chacha can’t bear this pain…whole family member angry on maa &paa,didi…I lost my hope…I was wholely shattered..I don’t know how to resolve this problem..that y I reacted like this way before…arnav said just leave this problem..don’t worry we will accompanied solve this problem…smile forever khushi…I told whenever I saw your smile..I thought…your one smile to enough for me…to live this life…khushi said stop flirting me😜😝😛😉let we go to time is too late..suddenly arnav held kkushi hand.. khushi look at him asked what??? Arnav said I don’t know this is right time or not & I don’t know this is right place or not but I want to say this word..khushi asked what word.
😏😉😗😑arnav said khushi I…..khushi asked U!!!!!arnav said khushi I love u…I never expect from u anything…I just love you whatever your…actually I started childhood fall in love with u..but now only I realized that…khushi also love him…immediately said I love you too arnav…I am also started loving u….I don’t know whenever u speak with me my all pain is go away from me…I like your presence…whenever u speak with me…my intuition feels very happy…she is speaking about him continuously..arnav lost in her speech.. she tightly hugged him…arnav thought its all his dream he pinched his hand…OMG its paining no arnav it’s real😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😘😘😘screenshift to abiya…abi and priya are sitting in the front engine of the car..aboo look at priya eyes…priya look at the beach…abi think in her mind how pretty my doll😍😍😘😘😘i can’t control myself😉😉priya asked really😉 abishek looks shocked asked her did u heard my mindvoice..doll said yeah I am your heart ❤ so I can hear everything easily…aboo smiled at her antics😍😍😍😍😘😘😘😍😍asked her doll I want to about you..priya look at him asked what u want to know about me.abisked claimed everything…

y u left from our home town…suddenly priya face changed😥😒😖😔😧😦😭😢priya touched his hand said hereafter I will never hide anything from u..I will tell all the trust to you..I don’t know u believe me or not..but this is true hereafter I will never hide anything from you…flashback begin u knew that someone stole money in nana house…my father accepted that crime…but my father never did any mistake…I knew that person who 1 stole our family money..but I hide it this from u..because mom dad sake I hide everything from u…I knew all the truth in our childhood…because my parents sake I hide everything…abishek asked who stole that money…priya standing silent…abishek asked I am asking you say the truth..priya weeping said rocky chacha ,reels chachi stole money.. they lied with my parents…they needed the money for his baby sake…because she has the problem in her womb…did u know that chain…

nana have that proof..that chain is reema…I knew that truth in our schooldays..abishek asked y u shifted from native place to vilapuram…priya explained what happened exactly u knew that after our annual exam finished last day I went to home…15days after my paa knew the truth about rocky…he is a liar…he cheated my father..that reason is fake…he is interest on nana wealth…that’s y he lied to us..because of his emotional paa &maa accepted the crime…after she come to our rome in our native place.. she blackmailed my father he will kill me.. because of my sake my whole family left from there.. this truth only knew our poo maa &paa..1month after we were shifted all things to vilapuram…often often poo maa&paw come to visit us in our home…u knew starting time I hate the place…I always ask to maa&paa..I want to see my aboo,veer,aru akku,poo…my father always told fake reason consoled me…I suffered 3month…I can’t adjust myself…because of my sake my parents never come to meet with nana,nani,chacha chachi,our whole family…I got heavy fever…I admitted in the hospital…because I totally shattered…I thought I will never meet u till lifelong…

I will always ask about my paa& maa..they always consoled me…because I always miss our
gang…I don’t like my new friends…whenever someboy talk to me…I just think about our gang😭😭😭😭😢😢😢😢 few month later I changed my attitude to that environment…because of poo maa&paw sake nana will find out the truth one year after nana knew the truth about rocky-reema…they will plan to kill nana. 1year later.after one day we got letter from nana..nana said nana want to meet us not only whole family will wait for our arrival…nana writing in that letter.I am extremely happy to meet all my family members…me,paa,maa,poo maa,paa,poo maa friend shamala and his husband all packed our things…happily started our journey to our hometown…we never know that is my maa,paw,chacha,chachi,uncle,aunty,nana last day…suddenly my father get a call from some number…he talked like my father client…he is also waiting for us…we were went to some near by our village…some hill station..actually nana informed everything to your mom,dad,ram chacha,chachi,nani also know that…nana was also come that hillstation…suddenly 3 car entered reema,rocky,jeikar,rathore,that rain wala lady name is rose bella called nickname as rosbelli(girlfriend of rathore)..they come with 3bodyguard…my father client is Mr.rathore…

he lied to my father…he is acting as his client…my father angry on them…someone touched father,chacha can’t control his anger toward them…I am crying alot…they never leave maa&chachi saved me from his clutches…my uncle,father,chacha nana all
fought with them….infront of me they take knife terribly killed my father,my chacha,my uncle…they all are smiled infront of Aunty saved me…she said my son will take care you ever…he is the saviour your life…she give my hand to driver uncle…he said please pass this information all her family member…I said I will never go with him…I will also come with Aunty.she kissed my cheeks..somebody attacked her from back side…me and driver uncle hided behind the rock..infront of me they terribly killed my paa,maa,chacha,chachi,nana,uncle,aunty…Mr.rathore he seductive manner behaved with my maaa…infront of me they killed terribly..they set timer in our car…my father,maa,chacha,chachi,uncle,Aunty all were placed in that car…they pushed the car from the hills…infront of me…the car was burst out…they set as accident…priya was shattered😧😭😭😭😢😢😢😤😤..they all did for money sake and they want my mother position in our hometown.they did everything for nana wealth…I don’t what they laid to our family…in front of me…they killed my parents,my
chacha,chachi,uncle,aunty…I was scared…my driver uncle laid to my brother…he is son of my uncle and Aunty…he lost his parents because of me…u want to know how rishanth related to me…he is son of my chacha friend beta…we were both lost our family member…do u know one thing my Aunty my son is saviour of your life.. I lost all things..he is only my father and mother…without him I am nothing…priya was shattered..abi eyes is also covered by wet…he comes to priya hugged her very tightly😭😭😭😭😭😢😢i hate our all family member..because they never trust my parents…because of my sake at least they chased my family out from our family…I hate all my family members…they are also responsible for this incident…

abishek never expect she suffered these much in her life😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😢😢priya look at abishek said I will sure kill them…I will never leave them…I already killed rakul jeikar,jeikar,rathore girlfriend…abi looks shocked…priya said yes aboo I killed them….what they did my father,mother,my chacha,chachi,uncle,aunty,nana..actually my father always says reels rocky doing this for his baby…my father accepted all crime because of his sake return back what they did…this is wrong I know that…I tried many time to change them but they never changed.. I give them chance also…but this try I will never leave them..she was totally shattered…abishek was emabarassed…and shocked…😨😨😨😨😨😨😨priya is not in her sense… she is blabbering something continuously…abishek was shocked.. she is try to console her..but she lost her sense..suddenly abishek was slapped her…she touched her cheeks and looked at him..suddenly priya weeping manner and hugged him very tightly..abishek understood her pain he consoled her..15min after he speak to her asked her…

did u kill them…priya look at his eyes😱😦😧😭😭😢😤she is scared 😱 now…abishek said don’t scare priya say the truth.. priya said I never kill them…they are in my clutches…they are alive in this world. But her sense is not alive in this world…abishek asked it means…priya explained what she did them(it reveal it later)..rakul jeikar never died…it’s her plan…it will reveal it later.. doll explained and shared her whole plan to aboo…aboo said I will help u this plan…priya said I never want anyone to help me…Plze abishek I never want to lose u abishek…she cried hardly😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😢😢😢no 1 stay with me till lifelong all left me middle of my life…no I never want anyone…(background plays hamari adhuri kahani,kanave kanave song from david(tamil)).I will face to be alone all my problem..priya leave from there.. suddenly aboo held her hand tightly.. pulled towards him…she never look at his face..abi seductive manner goes towards her.. he hold his hand around her
waist tightly…doll closed her eyes…she never look at him..abishek said open your eyes doll look at me…priya said no..I wil never look at u…she changed her direction opposite to abi…abishek nuzzled her back…she losing herself…aboo seductive manner asked her u
never want my help..

doll said yes I never want..he nuzzled her neck,cheeks,head asked u never accept I will never stop this…she can’t control herself she immediately crushed her lips on him…abi kissed all over her body…she pushed abishek…said don’t come near by me…stay away from me…u will never accept u said huh I wil come…so u can bear all this…priya looks shocked.. abi goes towards her..priya said stop stop I will accept but one condition she told her conditions…abishek said what I will accept this condition…priya said if u accept this accept this condition I will accept u as my crime partner..else never….abishek think after a long time later he accept her condition…(I wil reveal it later)..after both went to MM…they reached the house…abishek never stop his romance…priya said aboo…this is home…somebody doubt us.please stay away from me..abishek never listen her words..he crushed his lips on her…kissed her cheeks…said good night left from there…priya was standing like statue…after she heard abishek voice go to sleep my sweetheart…priya came back to her sense…left to alu room…aboo and priya think abou eachother…

priya think about all the time spent with her aboo as same as abishek.. all slept peacefully…next day morning priya written a letter to his family left from the home..she take all her bag…without informing abi left from home…she gave a letter to robin…next day morning all freshed up come to have breakfast…actually aboo is waiting for priya arrival…robin gave a letter to dadi…dadi understood regarding about her work…she informed everything to family members…abi is angry on her…how dare she left me without informing me…all girls and boys angry on her..after they understood her problem…screenshift to priya…priya went to meet his staff…she informed about the costume…she said she will come to meet u on 5days after..Mam informed about event costume…she get catalog from her mam…after she left from the college…

Precap:dadi come to meet rishanth at his home town…


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