
Hii guys i have tried a very different style of writing so pls do tell me if its nice…………if not I ll continue with my original one………so till now v saw…….

Intro of all the characters………..all r ready to reach the station to reach their destination Goa……..

So now……….

Raman’s POV……….

I and Abhi were waiting at the station for Arnav to arrive with his gf…………but much to our disappointment he didn’t show up

Abhi:Raman yaar, if that dumbhead doesn’t show up in five………..then I swear that I ll sue his head off from his body

Just imagine Arnav and Abhi fighting won’t it be a grt sight for all present here…………wat the hell am I thinking, I am their responsible bro but look at me I am thinking like this……….

Abhi:Now only three minutes left

Now I surely had to do something to calm down Abhi……… quickly something shot up my brains……….

Raman:Abhi y don’t u go and buy some snacks for all of so that v can have them while travelling………

Abhi:Ur right man……….u stay right here I ll go and buy them and ll come back……….!!!!!

With that Abhi ran of to get some snacks……….!!!!

Did I say that I am intelligent one among my Bros………..maybe by this incident u all would have got and idea about my intelligence………

Abhi’s pov……….

That Raman just now sent me to buy these stupid snacks………..which I very well know that he did to cool me down……….

By now he ll be thinking himself to be the intelligent one among the Bros…………let him think Watever he want………I just want him to be back as himself……….that’s wat v planned all this for………..

So now I am standing right now infront of the shop asking for all the flavours in lays chip……….

For which the shopkeeper was giving me are-u-seroius look to me………..which I just didn’t care at all………

When suddenly I heard the most melodious thing ever heard in my life time………..this sound made me turn to see its owner………..who was a very beautiful girl……… her chudi with these cute glass covering her eyes……….

Man she was really cute………..but she was talking with someone over the phone I guess

Girl1:Mom I ll be fine u don’t wry about me……..yaa Yaa I ll call u daily night………..yaa Yaa I ll take care of myself……..!!!!!

Hearing that girl talk like this made me laugh a little…………which I think she heard cause she was giving me death glares………..

Girl1:Mom I ll talk with u later, I think some ppl have gone mad that they r laughing to themselves……….!!!!

I think she must be joking……….wait did she just call me mad……….she she was talking about me to her mom……….pls scratch Watever I told about her before……….she is just some over rude girl I guess……….

Girl1:Bhaiya mujhe ek bottle pani dijiye naa aur ek lays packet bhi………….(Brother give me one water bottle and one lays packet pls)

Shopkeeper:Maf kijiye madam,par is admi ne sare lays packet kharidh liya,to lays nahi hain madam………(Sry madam but this person as brought all the lays packet so lays is not here madam……)

I felt bad for her……… I being a gentleman wanted to give her one packet which I brought……….

Abhi:Here u go lady, u can take one of my packet………it okay with me

Girl1:I don’t need anyone’s sympathy……….its okay I can adjust………..and I also don’t buy things from ppl who just laugh to themselves………..!!!!

With that that girl just turned her face taking the water bottle and walked out from there………..

Did she just reject “Abhi’s Offer”………..cause she’s so gone a regret it latter…………and pls also scratch Watever I told about her…………she is just one fully over grown arrogant lady………

With that I also hurriedly brought all the thing and left from there………

Raman’s POV………

I think sending Abhi to buy the snacks was not a very good idea cause………he returned much more angry then with wat he left

God pls save Arnav today……….maybe only maybe, Khushi can save her bf……….

Maybe my prayers were heard by God himself cause as soon as I finished my prayer Khushi came running to us

Khushi:Abhi Bhai, Raman Bhai how r u two………long time no see haan

Maybe her statement brought some calmness in Abhi’s growing anger sea……….cause he just smiled at her

Khushi hugged Abhi first maybe she knew very well about him and then she hugged me……….

Raman:So where is ur bf, and y r u two late………!!!!

Khushi:I am sry Bhai, but I only took time to get ready cause mom was becoming over senty about me leaving her……….like I am going to my sasural after vidaii……….

This stament made me and Abhi laugh………

Khushi was holding her ears……….which Abhi was not able to see so he immediately brought her hands down and side hugged her

He then took Khushi’s some luggage with him to keep it inside

Raman:Good thing Khushi that u turned up first instead of ur bf……..otherwise surely today world war 3 would have started

Khushi:I knew it, that’s y I made Arnav carry some of my heaviest luggage………and I sry for being late Bhai……..

Raman:It’s okay by the way where is Arnav………????

Arnav:I am here Raman……….!!!!!!

With that I see towards the direction of the sound just to be shocked to the core……….!!!!

Arnav’s POV……….

When I reached the station……….the stupid gf of mine made me carry all her heaviest luggage keeping those puppy dog face………..which always melts me………

Now look at my state I am looking no less the station porter………

I was literally dragging her bags cause they were really………maybe her mom was right, she really might have packed her things like she is leaving her permanently……..

Watever it is, she gng to be with me………so let me join my time with her………

When I called Raman indicating my dumbhead bro indirectly that I need help………but I think my day is very bad……..

He was just standing there opening his mouth wide in astonishment

After some time, I heard sounds of laughter which I immediately knew was my another bro Abhi’s sarcastic laughter……….

Man I swear if I wasn’t carrying these luggage I would have killed those two, cause there were not helping me but laughing at me……..

Abhi:Arnav, u look no less than the porter dude………I can’t help it……….u really do look like one……..

With that both Raman and Abhi started their laughter……….I left those luggage to attack on them……..but I was cut off by a voice…….

Khushi:Arnav don’t even think about it, first bring my luggage here and then u can attack ur Bros till ur hearts content……….

Did u all just hear wat my gf said, she doesn’t love me but her luggage……….but I can’t help it, she is my gf……….

After this statement also my Bros were just laughing till the core……….but maybe after some time my prayers were heard by God cause Raman came to my help………

Did I ppl tell u how much I like my yaar Raman, but that idiot Abhi was still laughing……….

After wat took like infinity I and Raman some how took the luggage and kept it inside the train…………

After keeping the luggage Raman and Abhi went to the entrance of the train on one side………..leaving me and Khushi all alone………

So I at once pulled Khushi to the other side of the of the entrance to have some lone time with her………..

I said lone time right, so hey u Shalu………leave me alone and take some one else’s pov………..I’ll catch u later……….

Abhi’s POV……….

Now I was with Raman at the entrance of the train………..cause I and Raman always like to watch the train leaving from the platform……..

Isn’t it the craziest idea in the world………but wat v can do………..v r also the craziest ppl in the world……..

When I was thinking about this the train started to leave slowly………

So I and Raman were having r excitement……….when I saw a Girl1 carrying all her luggage running to catch the train……….

I wanted to help the girl………but I think I have already seen that girl, I think………

When she came towards the train running to catch it………I found that it was the same girl who was fighting with me at the shop………..

I so didn’t want to help her cause she ll think that I was taking advantage………..but wat can I do……….u know I am very kind hearted person so………I gave my hand to help

At that time I saw that the person in the coffee shop in the platform played this song from DDLJ………..

I was so thinking to hit him on his head……..but wat can I do I can’t hop off the train……….

I had stretched my hand for that girl to catch but that girl was just staring at me like I was some joker………

But finally that girl had no other option so I took her bags and then I helped her to hop on the train………

I pulled her to the train…………by which v accidentally got very close to each other…………..and I was just loving this thing………

But how could my happiness be seen by all………..that girl gave me such a jerk………which made me hit the door of the train……….

All this while my bro Raman was laughing seeing me being pushed by a girl……..I just wanted to push that girl and my bro out of the train

Girl1:Thanks for the help Mr.Arrogant……..and don’t ever try that I ll fall for ur cheap tricks……….

I told u she is rude……….😈😈😈

Raman’s POV…………

I don’t know wat happened just now……….cause the girl whom Abhi helped in boarding the train is fighting with him like cat and dog

Girl1:U Mr.Watever ur name is……….can’t u just stay out of my way

Abhi:Y should I, this train is a public property each and every person can use it, y don’t u go to ur place

I told u not to listen to their fights, so here I was at the door thinking about my life…………how it took a very big turn in few hrs ago

At that time I think I saw a girl……….a beautiful girl in bridal dress running to catch the train……..

At that time I could only think of the DDLJ last scene………..and I was just standing like a mad person looking at that girl coming running towards the train……….or me………

So being a gentleman I held my hand to help the girl……….poor girl was holding the dress and also was running……….wait a minute y is she in bridal dress………..????

While I was thinking this the girl had already placed her hand in my hand so I pulled her on the train………..

With that she landed on my chest and was breathing heavily due to the running…………

Girl2:Thank u so much………!!!!!!

Raman:Ur welcome Ms………..!!!!!

That’s it I couldn’t know her name……….but this time God was with me I guess………

Girl1:Ishu……….thank God u boarded the train……….I thought u won’t be able to come………

Ishu:Hey Pragya,………..I was the one who gave the idea and y won’t I come then…………thank God u also boarded cause I thought u won’t come……….

With that the two girls started to talk………..and me and Abhi were standing like two unknown ppl jumped from Mars………..

Now the train also started to move………..and in a few hrs me and my Bros ll be in our destination Goa……….!!!!

Writer’s POV……….

Thank God I reached the station……..hoping that I could broad the train to Goa……….I was looking at the tracks seeing whether the train is late

So I thought to go and ask the stationmaster(SM)………

Shalu: Excuse me sir……….may I know when the train to reach Gia ll arrive………cause I think it is late………

On hearing my words that man started to laugh……….like I was showing him some magic trick or something……..

SM:The train to Goa already left madam……….the train is not late ur only late……..

Shalu: No no………ur completely mistaken………I also saw the time and only came here………

With that I take my ticket to get the shock of my life……….the departure time of the train was 4:30…………and here I am standing at the station at 5………

Again the SM seeing my shocked face started to laugh loudly……….making my stand like an idiot………

SM:Pls book the next train……….and pls board that train at least at the right time……..madam………

With that the man left………I was so angry that I didn’t know wat happened……….. I ran away out of the station hurriedly………

I took my car and drove at its fastest speed……….just in a hope to catch the train to Goa at the next station………

So now let me see who stops me from reaching my destination Goa………..😍😍😍

Precap:Travel mastii…………


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