Kumkum bhagya…love is beautiful episode 19


Thank u all fr ur lovely comments…..and even fr silent readers….
Thank u all fr ur support….Love u all….

The episode starts….
Next day morning….
Pragya was thinking…What happen to me. Why i hugged him yesterday…
Why i feel secured when i’m with him…
Why I feel happy even when he scold me….
Thinking this pragya went to Temple…..

Pragya enters temple and prays god…
While praying someone placed there hand on her shoulder..
Pragya truns and sees…suddenly a Grandma faints and falls near her….
Pragya saw that grandma and said dadi what happen….
Pragya took dadi to hospital and took nice care of her….

On other side..
Abhi reached office and saw pragya cabin…
Pragya cabin was empty…and went to his cabin
Abhi was thinking y did pragya did not come still now….is she fine…and got a idea…
Abhi calls his peon…
A: where are the files i gave u yesterday…
Pe: sir…i gave it to pragya madam
A: Were is pragya?
Pe: sir…pragya madam did not come still now…
A: get her mobile number…
Pe: yes..sir
A: go…
Peon goes out of abhi’s cabin…

Peon again entered the cabin….
Pe: sir…shall i come in…
A: Come in..
Pe: sir…this is pragya madam’s number
A: Ok…go
Peon goes out of cabin…

Abhi takes pragya number and calls her…
Abhi was tensed…phone was switched off….

Pragya was with dadi in hospital…
Dadi came to sense and talked to pragya…they both was talking to each other…
D: thank beta
P: its ok dadi…
D: Wats ur name beta
P: pragya…
D: nice name…
P: thanks dadi
D: whats the time
P: its 10:30 dadi
P: ohh…i want to go home they will be searching…and go to office…
D:i will drop u
D:it kk…..
They both went…

Abhi was in office…decide to go to her house…
When he went to her house and saw….the house was burning….he was totally scattered… And collapsed in ground and cried…..

People around him were saying…the three members are dead…..abhi was….like only soul….while that time purab called him…
P:did u tell pragya that u love her still…
A:she is no more…and cried…

P:what are u blabbering.
Abhi explained everything to him…and cut the call…
After some time purab came there and console him…and took him home….
Abhi did not eat anything… He was sitting in the garden..he was imagining about her..all around him…
At night… It starts drizzling… Even then he did not move…
At time someone kept hand on him…he saw pragya…and hugged her…
A:where did u go living me alone fuggi…i felt like dying….
He was continuously saying something… Suddenly pragya kissed him….he did not.. Recognize.. And again.. Started blabbering….and cried..
A:u r also my imagination… Y u also were live me…
This time pragya cupped his face…and kissed on his cheeks for long time…
Then both hugged…
A:u will not leave me right..

Abhi kissed on her forehead….
And hugged her tight… Pragya hugged him back with a simle…

Screen freezes..


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